Here is a picture I have in mind, which derives from my childhood… Like in a farytale a bunch of children sitting around an old woman, her face is full of wrinkles and the children listen to her attentively, whereas the flickering gas light underlines my memory.
… de lori, lori kuremi lori …(Kurdish cradle-song) is the name of the cradle-song and the cradle´s swinging is following the rhythm and my childhood gets lost in these cradle songs. In cold and dark nights the cradle song sounded magic and fantastic and fabulous and I felt secure. During long winternights the voice of nature is pure and the melodie is unchangeable. Where nature and fairytale unite into a narration, phantasie is boundless. By this I forget myself and I am the heroe in my dreams. During the deep dark night I follow the enticements of my dreams and the howling of the wolves and the barking of the dogs wake me up and I am bathed in sweat – reality of life already catched me up.
This fairytale was the beginning of my curiousity and this curiousity continues in classic dance and folk dance. It is important to me not only to keep on studying as a student but also as a teacher, because I have noticed that dancing is the language of the body. During my studies I meet new people who broaden my knowledge and who therefore enrich me. I had the opporunity to work in some radiostations (Istanbul Ulusal FM and Cevre FM) as a presenter and to arrange programmes about folklore. I couldn´t stand the attraction of folklore.
The result of my passion for folklore music is the book „Insight into folklore“ (Folklora Bakis).The book is based on three elements: Nature, man and science. Men come from nature and they use nature in order to survive. This fact builds the first scientific work of mankind. In other words: goods are produced, services are offered to hold up the economy and dancing, music, instruments etc. in order to create a social cooperation (culture). In this relation man with his needs is situated in the center of my book. On the other side I have tried to integrate directly or indirectly other scientific disciplines (for instance history, literature, archaeology, geography) in my investigations – to get a closer look into relations. I tried to hint at the danger that arises if people try to push their national thougts as inventors to the forefront. I will take up the ideas of this book in other works and I hope to inspire you with my new jobs.